Good careers education, information, advice and guidance supports school and college aims and outcomes.
Careers programmes need to be planned, well managed and co-ordinated by trained leaders. My extensive experience of supporting schools, colleges and higher education will assist you to develop a customised programme for your organisation and staff. By discussing your needs, I can, for example:
help you to audit, plan and develop a careers education curriculum from key stage 2 to 5;
recommend or produce resources that suit the needs of your students, or assist in training e.g. for The Real Game series and for all ages and stages;
train and support staff e.g. in delivering the programme or focusing on a specific group need;
deliver group work e.g. Oxbridge preparation or studying abroad;
deliver 1-1 guidance for any age group, using tools such as your own program or Morrisby online;
evaluate provision or advise on an evaluation schedule.
Best practice is recognised through career accreditation frameworks which are recommended in statutory guidance. I co-wrote and currently support and assess schools with Career Mark which is one of the national Licensed Awarding Bodies delivering the Quality in Careers Standard. If you would like to understand what it means to work towards a quality award and prepare for assessment, do get in touch.
I deliver 'best practice': this is evidenced by the careers department that I led in a college achieving 'outstanding' in two inspections whilst employed there, and my achievement of a national award (see p59) for innovation and outstanding provision in careers education and guidance.
A free careers leader toolkit is available to you to support you as a careers leader. This comprehensive toolkit guides new and experienced careers leaders in providing CEIAG that meets the Quality in Careers Standard. I wrote the toolkit for national software company, CASCAID. If you would like a copy, please email me at
Work out how things fit together
“WELL DONE YOU! I was so very pleased to hear that you had won the first Christine Thomas Award - and a very worthy winner. I was very friendly with Christine and her passing was a great shock but she would have been delighted that someone as dedicated, talented and committed to careers education has been given an award in her are still thought very highly of by schools, and of course by me, my mentor, my inspiration when I started as a Careers Education Adviser and the best ‘teacher’ and friend a person could have. ”